KTJ Mo’ers

Why mo’ serious? Over the last month, some of the male staff teachers have been growing moustaches for Movember. Movember is a charitable organisation that aims to spread awareness and raise funds to combat male related cancers, such as prostate and testicular cancer.
The Mo’Sistas (female staff) also contributed to the cause by holding a bake sale for staff and students.
Mr. Adam, leader of the ‘KTJ Mo’ers’ campaign, stated “As some of you are already aware, Movember is a cause that is very close to my heart and a charity that I have raised money for over the last eight years. Prostate and testicular cancers are the most common types of cancer in men but unfortunately they are not regularly discussed due to embarrassment. The aim of Movember is to half the number of deaths by these types of cancer by 2025 and we can all come together and make a difference. If you would like to know more about this or have concerns, feel free to speak to me personally.”
We would like to thank everyone that has contributed to the campaign which has successfully raised around RM 3000.
If you would like to make a donation to the 'KTJ Mo'ers' campaign then please go to: