At KTJ, we believe that it takes more than just academic excellence to Make It. We want our students to become reflective, independent, and self-motivated learners who are active, kind and socially aware.

We firmly believe in educating the whole child and our unique, holistic education places particular importance on both academic and non-academic development. This takes place through our varied and engaging curriculum, as well as our extensive co-curricular activities which encourage children to develop not only their academic abilities but also their sporting, musical and artistic talents from the moment they arrive at KTJ.

Early Years

At KTJ, we are dedicated to providing an exceptional Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) by providing a well-rounded holistic education that nurtures intellectual curiosity, fosters critical thinking, and instills values of integrity, empathy, and mutual respect.

KTJ’s Early Years classes consist of Nursery and Reception for children aged three to five years and follow the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) and Development Matters UK. Both provide limitless opportunities for each student to flourish in their holistic development. We use play-based learning to balance child-initiated activities with structured, teacher-led sessions to foster comprehensive development.

KTJ Early Years helps children to find out who they are and to enjoy the journey of discovery. We believe that every child is unique and capable of achieving great things.

Becoming a part of our School community is the first step in your child’s journey to Making It. UNICEF describes the first five years of a child’s life as the most important, forming the foundation for their future health, happiness, growth, development and academic achievement. 

Our Early Years Team becomes well acquainted with the interests of each child and skillfully harnesses their enthusiasm for learning in active and engaging ways. Our child-centred approach creates a supportive and engaging classroom that creates well-balanced and happy children.

Our Early Years classes also prepare children for the more structured means of learning that they will encounter when they enter Year 1. 

In line with our commitment to providing our students with a holistic education, we offer age-appropriate co-curricular activities to our Reception Class students. These activities are offered over and above their play-based curriculum and aim to further hone skills students have built during class. 

Key Stage 1 (Year 1 and 2)

Key Stage 1 is a busy and exciting time in a child’s learning journey as students begin to build a wider knowledge and skills base, and start to explore and develop a range of learning styles.

During this two-year period, there is a focus on the core subjects of English, Mathematics and Science, alongside an increased emphasis on the International Primary Curriculum (IPC), which includes subject areas such as Art, Geography, History and ICT. The IPC naturally builds on the skills developed through the International Early Years Curriculum and is applied throughout Years 1 and 2. 

In addition to this, students also learn about global citizenship and international mindedness through each unit of learning. Other subjects include music, a choice of two specialist languages from Mandarin, Bahasa Malayu and French, plus Swimming and Physical Education (PE), which are all taught by specialist teachers from across both the Primary and Secondary School.

Key Stage 2 (Year 3 to 6)

Throughout Key Stage 2, our students further develop their level of independence and sense of responsibility as they gradually prepare for the transition into secondary education.

During this four year period, there is a continued focus on the core subjects while exploring the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) on a deeper level. This period is crucial to develop and widen the students' ability to formulate questions and carry out enquiries and investigations. 

In Year 5 and 6, our Primary students work alongside our Secondary School teachers in specialist classrooms for other subjects such as Art and Design Technology, helping them to prepare for their transition to the Secondary School.

At KTJ we believe that education takes place in a range of settings and that classroom learning should be linked to the community and wider world that your children live in. As such, we are committed to providing a range of experiences and activities.

For Years 3 to 6, we run residential trips which are a core part of our curriculum structure and linked closely to our IPC topics and programmes of learning. Giving the children an opportunity to take their learning experiences outside the classroom also helps them to develop a range of important life skills that promotes independence and helps prepare them for the next steps in their learning journey.

Residential trips also offer a very special setting for teachers and children to bond outside of the usual day to day routines of school life and are an experience that your child will remember for the rest of their life. Residential trips are included in the School's tuition fees.

Learner Characteristics

In line with our commitment to help our students grow into well-rounded and global citizens, we place great emphasis on both academic excellence and positive character development. Throughout all areas of the curriculum, students are encouraged to develop a range of Learner Characteristics (PDF). These are: 

  • Adaptability: I accept change and I welcome new ideas.
  • Communication: I express myself and listen to other people. 
  • Cooperation: I try to help others and work as a team.
  • Enquiry: I ask why things are the way they are and collect evidence to support my ideas.
  • Morality: I always try and do the right thing.
  • Thoughtfulness: I reflect on what I have learned and what I would like to learn. 
  • Resilience: I keep trying even when it is difficult.
  • Respect: I am polite and kind to everyone. 

These Learner Characteristics link to the Secondary School’s Learner Attributes (PDF), enabling children to develop into critical, independent thinkers.


Our teachers continually assess the progress of students, to identify and understand each individual’s learning needs more accurately. The use of ongoing formative assessment enables teachers to plan targeted and effective lessons that build on students’ strengths while addressing their areas for development

Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress through twice-yearly detailed reports and parent-teacher meetings, and can map their child’s learning journey with the ease of technology through Seesaw and Google Classroom.

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