KTJ's first KTJ British Parliamentary Debate Tournament

This past weekend, I had the privilege of breaking my debating hiatus at the KTJ British Parliamentary Debate Tournament, alongside my teammate Hilary. We set a goal to win the first preliminary round, and we did! I truly believe it was the back pats and warm hugs we gave each other after each round that kept us going. But the KTJ BP experience went way beyond just winning.
The true highlight was the incredible synergy amongst KTJ debaters. A huge shoutout to the entire KTJ debating community who provided unwavering support throughout the competition. The random breakdancing and high fives from our fellow debaters always lifted our spirits. Congratulations to Yijun, Anuj, Moritz, and Daniel for reaching the Novice Semi Finals in their very first debate tournament! They impressed everyone with their unique debating flare that they developed throughout the tournament.
Finally, a big thank you to Nadia and Milla for organising the first-ever KTJ BP tournament, bringing together 80 teams and 15 adjudicators from all over Malaysia! It was a truly memorable event.
- Written by Caroline