Safeguarding and Mental Health Awareness

KTJ upholds the spirit of Safeguarding and Mental Health Awareness by holding a number of events within the School throughout the year. Safeguarding has always been a guiding policy of the school, and we believe that a safe environment is integral for our students’ welfare and development.
Over the week, Form 1 to 4 students got their creative hats on as they had a go at making Safeguarding-themed posters in their Art lessons, supported by Mr Pauzi and Mr Khairul. Over 60 pieces of the students’ artwork were displayed in The Arc for visitors to admire. The colourful illustrations were bold statements encompassing various topics from inclusion to school safety, reinforcing the importance of Safeguarding within a school.
“Safeguarding should become the buzzword in all Malaysian schools,” said Head of Secondary (Pastoral), Mr Suresh Naidu. “There are too many cases currently and these are just the reported ones. Discussing difficult topics must become part of our educational culture.”
Events such as a “Wear It Green” Mufti Day were also organised by the Peer-to-peer Support Group. Students and staff took part enthusiastically, and raised a total of RM2,337. All proceeds will be donated to the Malaysian Mental Health Association (MMHA), a non-profit organisation that provides rehabilitation services as well as running awareness campaigns throughout the country.
KTJ’s School Counsellor, Ms Rachael Than, said, “Mental Health Awareness Week is important as it serves as a timely reminder that mental health is essential to our functioning as human beings, and should be looked at with the same level of priority that we place on our physical health. An awareness and understanding of mental illnesses are vital to removing the stigma around mental health and encouraging treatment.”
Celebrating these awareness weeks are key to nurturing empathetic values within the KTJ community, and the school is looking forward to hosting more events like this in the future.