Face-to-face teaching resumes on 8 March

We are delighted to resume face-to-face lessons for students in Years 1-6 in KTJ Primary and Forms 1-4 in KTJ Secondary from Monday 8 March.
Date of return
Boarding students can return to school either on Saturday 6 March, between 2.00pm and 7.30pm, or on Sunday 7 March, between 10.00am and 7.30pm. Please let your child’s Houseparent know of your arrangements and expected time of arrival.
Day students can arrive at school from 7.30am (Secondary) or 7.45am (Primary) on Monday 8 March.
Drop off and pick up
Boarding students will be able to be dropped off at their houses. However, there will be restrictions on entry to the houses. Parents of students who are boarding for the first time will be allowed into the lobby to meet the House Staff, but they will not be permitted to go upstairs. Parents of other students are asked to drop their children at the house entrance and not exit their vehicles. If you need to arrange an appointment to meet the Houseparent, please contact them in advance.
Secondary School day students should be dropped off at the foyer each morning, where staff will check them in and take their temperature. At the end of the day, Secondary students should be picked up from the same point. However, buses will depart from the Auditorium car park. Primary School students should be dropped off outside the hardcourt at the bottom of the Primary School where they will be received by a duty staff member. Again, staff will be on hand to take temperatures. The pick-up point will also be here. Timings for collecting students from the Primary School will continue to be staggered and Mr. Kris will communicate these with parents.
When dropping students off in the morning, it is important that parents do not leave until their child’s temperature has been taken and recorded. When dropping off or picking up a student, no driver or other passenger should leave the car while on the school site. Everyone entering the campus is asked to use the MySejahtera app on each and every occasion.
Bus service
Our bus services will run as normal. If you would like to book your child onto a bus, please contact us via [email protected].
Bus drivers will check temperatures of students before they board. Parents must wait until their child enters the bus, in case of an issue with temperature.
Physical distancing will be in place on the buses and all students and members of staff are required to wear face masks at all times.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us. We are very much looking forward to welcoming our students back to KTJ very soon!