Susan's Dog Shelter

On the 16th of September, a group of 28 Interactors went to Susan’s dog shelter in Semenyih. It was our first community service of the term and it was a really great way to start the new term. When we reached the shelter, we immediately got to work (after a moment of aww-ing at all the adorable dogs and puppies). Brooms, washing powder, white wall paint and dog shampoo were distributed to the assigned groups and we all worked as a team to better the living conditions of our lovely four legged friends in the shelter. We scrubbed the cement floors, painted the walls and bathed the dogs (and also took lots and lots of pictures with the dogs while cooing at them). When we were done, the place looked much more vibrant and matching to the happy feeling that we got when we arrived and saw the adorable dogs. With our work there now done, we spent some time relaxing our souls by cuddling with the fresh, nice smelling dogs (after our awesome job of bathing them) and also took a lot of amazing photos that graced our snapchat feed. We then returned to KTJ with contented feelings in our hearts after a therapeutic day with the dogs and a productive day of community service.