1st Place at the Maybank Tiger's Den Challenge

In the recent Maybank Campus Financial Conference, held from 28th November to 5 December 2020, our students proved what it takes to run their own business! Here's KTJ Lower Sixth Student, Alif Idlan Bin Masron, to tell us more about the competition...
The Maybank Tiger’s Den Challenge is a 7-day business pitching competition organized by the largest financial services provider in the country. It revolves around multiple daily challenges throughout the week that gauges the entrepreneurs skills in business acumen, data analytics and accounts management. The culmination of it being an opportunity to pitch our business models to the management of Maybank with a chance to be previewed in their Sama-Sama Lokal programme, where Maybank uses their platform to promote our initiatives.
On the last day of the challenge, we pitched our product, Beeyond Honey Lemon drink, a drink which consists of freshly squeezed lemon juice and raw honey sourced from Mount Baling, Kedah. We explained about the processes of how we sourced our raw goods, package the product and market and deliver it to our clientele. The exposure gave us an insight into how businesses function in an effort to maximize profit and reduce costs, all at the same time fulfilling customers demands.
We received constructive feedback from the management of Maybank who recommended us marketing strategies and management techniques in order to strengthen our foothold in the beverage industry. All in all it was a rewarding experience in order to solidify our soft skills and entrepreneurial abilities in preparing for the challenges of adulthood.
Congratulations to the Kijang Platinum Team: Abu Daniel Bin Abu Samah, Alif Idlan Bin Masron, Izzati Zahira Binti Fazril, Muhammad Adam Harith Bin Zaini and Raja Muhammad Harith Bin Raja Abd. Halim.