"I am excited to study at UC Berkeley"

Bank Negara Malaysia Scholar, Shey Mansur bin Abdul Karim, graduated from KTJ in 2022 with 4 A*s and an offer to study Computer Science and UC Berkeley.
What are you going to miss about KTJ when you go to university?
"I will really miss the tight-knit community in KTJ. Since UC Berkeley is such a large institution, it is impossible to know everyone. It may even be daunting to try to form close relationships there. It is quite the opposite in KTJ! I could go to the dining halls and generally know everyone around me. You could do routine activities with the same people easily, whether that be going to the gym, eating together, or playing sports, such as volleyball and badminton. This sense of familiarity really helped me discover my interests comfortably while building a support system that I hope to stay in touch with in the future."
How did the KTJ Sixth Form team support you with your university applications?
"Ms Emma was extremely efficient with my UK university application. She helped to prepare my reference letter and reviewed my personal statement in a very short time for the early Oxbridge deadline. She also graciously introduced me to Ms Susan, who guided me through my whole US university application. She had reviewed all my essays, answered all my questions in navigating the various application forms for the US and gave me encouragement whenever things got overwhelming. Without the two of them, I would have overstretched myself and not prioritised quality over quantity. I also want to thank Ms Poh Bee, Ms Pathma, and Ms Rachel who provided me with a teacher’s recommendation letter for my US application."
What are you most looking forward to about going to university?
"I am excited for the prospect of more independence and more freedom in choosing what to do with my time. There are always many events and opportunities in Berkeley, whether that be amazing clubs of various interests, research, or generally hanging out with friends. I would also very much like to explore the US and experience the sights I always see on popular media with my very own eyes!"