Year 3 Maths Week

The first week back after the half term break was maths week in the primary school. The children enthusiastically completed activities each day across the school.
Monday saw the children deciphering 'keyword' codes. There challenge was then to send a message to another class and in return decode the messages they had received.
The popular paper challenge was on Tuesday. Each child was given a piece of A4 paper to cut. We were looking for the longest continuous piece of paper. The results were impressive with paper measuring up to 14 meters in length.
Wednesday was maths through art, with children designing spirals with different angles, symmetrical pictures and shape pictures.
Maths trails were undertaken on Thursday. Students found clues around the school grounds and used them to figure out mathematical problems. Finally we finished with a maths quiz in assembly, written by the year 6 children, for our mathematicians of the week.