KTJ Hosts Oxbridge Debate and Engineering Events

KTJ Hosts Oxbridge Debate and Engineering Events
Sixth Form Event

Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar (KTJ) recently hosted the annual Oxbridge & KTJ Debating Forum. The event began with a plenary debate by esteemed speakers from the Oxbridge Society of Malaysia on the motion “This house believes that it's time to focus on nationalism and not internationalism,” moderated by Ms. Emma Davidson, KTJ's Director of Sixth Form and former President of the Oxford and Cambridge Alumni Network Malaysia.

Students from schools across Malaysia were divided into workshop groups based on debate themes, including economics, environment, and technology. Led by Oxbridge alumni, students built and structured their arguments in teams, resulting in fruitful discussions and commentary on current affairs.

The event concluded with five student debates on their respective themes and ten impromptu speeches, for which participants had only five minutes to prepare. Prizes were awarded, with the support of MABECS, to the Top 3 First-Time Debaters, Top 3 Best Speakers, Top 3 Best Impromptu Speakers, Top 3 Best Arguments, and Best Overall Team.

KTJ also welcomed over ninety students from ten schools to its annual Oxbridge & KTJ Engineering Workshop. This year's scenario, designed by a team of lower sixth form students, involved a flash flood caused by heavy rain. Participants were divided into ten teams and given four hours to design an efficient drainage system to protect a model town, guided by experts from The Institution of Engineering and Technology. The task required a wide range of skills, including coding, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering, as well as critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.

In alignment with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals, participants were also tasked with using the diverted water to generate electricity. The aspiring engineers evaluated each team's solution, awarding the most efficient one the ‘Pascal Prize’. Additionally, the Oxford & Cambridge Alumni Network judged the teams on innovation, with the most inventive solution winning the ‘Tesla Prize’.

Congratulations to all the students involved!

KTJ Hosts Oxbridge Debate and Engineering Events