At KTJ, our curriculum is designed to be both academically rigorous and well-balanced, fostering the holistic development of students inside and outside the classroom.
KTJ Secondary includes Years 7 to 11 and Sixth Form (Years 12 and 13). In Years 7 to 9, students follow a bespoke syllabus based on the English National Curriculum, tailored to a Malaysian context. This approach promotes essential lifelong learning skills and builds a strong foundation of knowledge for future success. In Years 10 and 11, students pursue IGCSE courses alongside lessons in Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education (PSHEE) and Physical Education (PE).
Parents can see the success of the KTJ approach through our students who are happy, caring, considerate and reach their full potential academically.
Our academic program is grounded in the KTJ values of integrity, empathy, and mutual respect. We provide comprehensive Student Support for our students' academic, emotional, and physical needs, including English language and learning support for those who require it. Each student is paired with a mentor who guides their healthy development. This is further enhanced by a diverse range of co-curricular activities (CCAs) that nurture the whole student, helping them stand out as individuals when applying to universities.
Years 7 to 9
Years 7 to 9 marks a pivotal phase in our students' education as they transition from Primary to Secondary school.
For students advancing from our Primary School, we work closely with Year 6 teachers to ensure a smooth transition, both in the months leading up to and during the start of their secondary journey. For new students joining KTJ, we gather comprehensive information from their previous schools to provide the care, attention, and guidance needed for a seamless adaptation to life at KTJ.
Our rigorous curriculum spans a wide array of subjects, from Art and Music, to Computer Science and Physical Education. This broad exposure allows students to explore various fields of study, helping them make informed choices when selecting their IGCSE subjects.
Full details of the subjects studied are available in our Middle School Handbook below:
Years 10 to 11
In Years 10 and 11, students embark on their IGCSE courses. Starting from the 2025/26 academic year, Year 10 students are required to study the core subjects: English, Mathematics, and Science (Biology, Chemistry, and Physics). We believe that studying all three sciences provides a comprehensive scientific foundation, keeping future study and career options open.
In addition to the core subjects, Year 10 students can choose four optional subjects. We encourage students to select subjects they are genuinely interested in. The optional subjects include:
Accounting | Additional Mathematics |
Art | Business Studies |
Chinese | Computer Science |
Dance | Drama |
Economics | Food and Nutrition |
French | Geography |
History | Physical Education |
Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) | Music |
Resistant Materials |
Full details of the available subjects are listed in the IGCSE Subject Choices Handbook below. The IGCSE examinations are held in May and June of Year 11.
Sport and Physical Education
Sport is central to our mission of nurturing independent and well-balanced individuals. We believe that Physical Education (PE) is vital in developing our students' self-confidence and resilience, while fostering a positive attitude towards physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.
Students in Years 7 to 9 participate in weekly PE and swimming lessons. From Years 10 to 11, students engage in PE lessons once every two weeks.